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All the Stuff
Here you will find all our animations, mini-comics, updates, and behind-the-scenes stuff.

Conflict at Lauron
I added this as a popup to the Pompey Comic. This happened during the Sertorian war, and boii did Pompey struggle against Sertorius. ...
Jan 18, 20221 min read

Roman Testudo Formation
Nothing says "let's siege that tower" like the turtle formation.
Dec 28, 20211 min read

Ghost Stories in Ancient Rome
It should be no surprise that ghost stories go all the way back to ancient times, presumably they have been around since death. This is...
Dec 28, 20211 min read

Barley Boys
Gladiators were called Barley men (or Barley boys) Because of their high intake of beans, barley and wheat. Making them mostly...
Dec 28, 20211 min read

Training with with the Roman Legion
Interestingly Roman legionaries would train with wooden swords and shields considerably heavier than their real ones. They would practice...
Dec 27, 20211 min read

Roman Legionnaire Armor Breakdown
Yup the Roman legions in colder regions wore socks under their sandals. Well actually what they wore on their feet was called...
Dec 17, 20211 min read
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